A weekend with Dr. Joe Dispenza in Basel

I had the pleasure to attend the weekend retreat of Dr. Joe Dispenza in Basel. He is a neuroscience expert, the best-selling author of Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind (2007) and Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One (2012), both of which detail the neuroscience of change, epigenetics and quantum physics.
Many people have asked about my learnings and his main insights. I would like to share my inspiration with you and the main outcomes of these two days. Some insights will not new for you, I am sure you have heard some beforehand, but we forget these idea in our daily busy lives and get trapped in our unconscious bias, which dominates us 95% of the time. Our limiting beliefs are so deep in our operating system that it is hard to follow the positive future thinking mindset, and sometimes we forget the power of our inner sources.
So here is a short and important reminder for all of us:
Magic starts in the unknown.
Surrender and let go. Miracle happens in the other side of the known. As I keep saying all the time - the unknown is out of comfort and feels unsecure, scary, unpredictable, but the magic and the unlimited opportunities are in the unknown, in the unlimited quantum field, which we can’t see or touch- but nonetheless feel if we open ourselves and our hearts.
2. How to became happy?
The answer is short and easy: Stop being unhappy. Stop feeling miserable.
Stop being a victim. You can’t blame others for your unhappiness.
Emotions keep you in the past, we remember more negative emotions most of the time. You don’t need anybody, anything to feel the wholeness in you. You can create and love your own future reality. You have the control of your mind and body, and can break your unconscious bias and operating system towards your future self.
Same feelings and thoughts lead to same choices, and same choices lead to same outputs. We are used to feeling miserable, and our brain is always going to the past, but you have the power to break this. Your unhappiness and your suffering are not caused by others. It is your choice who you want to be and how to feel.
3. Who is that person you want to be?
Do you have the inner space and courage for the unknown?
Who do you want to be in a zoom Meeting? Who do you want to be in your business? Who do you want to be in your private life? Who would you not like not to be?
4. How can you remember your future self? You can rehearse your future self and remember your future.
By overcoming yourself.. Overcoming your limiting beliefs, your limiting thoughts, your past and yourself in the comfort zone. Creativity starts when you first silence your brain.
Your body is objective and cannot differentiate between the reality and feelings coming from your imagination. Your emotions are your reality. Even if you are ill or have some handicap, you can become someone else. You have the inner power to leave your illness and became a new person.

5. Where you place your attention is where you place your energy.
We wake up automatically, check our phones, go to shower, go to work, have the same thoughts, the same feelings. We think about the past, think about our to dos. We are led 95% by of our automated operating system and wonder sometimes why we feel not happy or disconnected about our own body and mind.
We fill reality with our memory. Attitudes impact the perception, the perception the memory, and the memory becomes the reality.

6. How to feel the wholeness rather than to feel the lack of the gap between your current and future state? People who want joy experience lack of it.. People who want love experience lack of it.. People who wants success experience lack of it..
We are programmed to create our personal reality based on lack of feelings..
Our brain creates separation in three-dimensional world and feels absence.
For example, you see an expensive sports car, and you see the gap between your own reality (having a Golf) and the desire (having a Porsche). You see people with children or with a lots of money, compare yourself with them and feel separation. The brain focuses on the gap, and based on this feeling, you work harder, compete harder, put your energy into achieving more and more and more and invest your time, your energy and your power in this. And then, you see the next sports car, the next villa on the beach, the next dream family, the next level in the hierarchy and you work harder and harder in this hamster wheel to stop this feeling of lack and separation.
At the end, maybe you get the house, you get the sports car but you are too tired to drive the car, have less time to stay in your villa on the beach, and you are running and running further to hold all this that you tried very hard to get.
You are constantly in the fighting mode and giving less space to hearing your soul- and wonder why you are less creative.
When you are in survival mode, you can’t let go of your faith
The more addicted to survival gene, the less you create and feel creative.. in emergency mode, you can’t close your eyes and go with the flow to the unknown and to the magic.
Being in the hamster wheel, following same routine, makes you feel comfortable and safe as expected. The unknown is uncertain for a lot
of people. But the magic starts to happen in the unknown, out of comfort zone.
The real change can’t happen in a survival mode, when you keep being in a constant fear, anxiety and competition. As long as your energy stays the same, your life stays the same.. Emotions are keeping you in the past.
7. How to step into the quantum field and what’s happening there?
The quantum field is the invisible field beyond your senses. It’s an invisible connection. Nothing physical to touch or to see; nothing you can experience with your senses.. It is a space in which you can be nothing, where you go beyond your body and your mind and create your future self in the unknown, in the present moment.
In this field, you feel the wholeness, pure love and bliss. You fully surrender in the present moment, and you feel the pure conciseness. You need to make room for the unknown. Beyond your body, you are more than your body and your mind.
Would you like to hear more about his thoughts?
Here are some useful videos:
Here is the meditation which I would recommend: